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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I LOVE Vacation

There are many things I'm unsure of, but one thing I know for sure is this - I LOVE Vacation. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

14 years and still counting...

Yesterday (August 23, 2011), I celebrated 14 years married to a man that helps me to find the joy.lo.la (for you newbies, that means - joy, love and laughter) in life on a regular basis.  Before, I thought it was his responsibility to make it happen for me every day.  Then, I thought that it was more of a partnership and that some days he should bring it and other days I should.  Now 14 years later, I've realized that finding joy.lo.la everyday is my responsibility alone and what he does, is he helps to inspire me to see life in this beautiful way. 

How?  I'm inspired by...
  • The way he laughs at all (ok, most) of my jokes - some are cheesy, corny, not-very-good - but I still get some reaction
  • He comes home everyday and chose a career that would allow him to be with the kids and I - all on his own. 
  • His no-fear, whatever-it-takes attitude in getting a job done (all legal-ish of course)
  • The fact that he can sit and listen to our son play his guitar for hours (of course, always with Joe Jackson input - this, not so great, but still with focused interest)
  • How he has the patience to pour "electric-green" glitter on a piece of tape to decorate a Selena Gomez poster, our daughter just created, take her to the concert 5 hours early and sit through the whole thing so he could talk to her about it later
  • How he wakes up extra early to take the dog out to do his business and walk in the morning, when I originally said I would do it
  • His dedication to his family and mine - and even if he doesn't want to attend the function or do the errand, he always there or gets it done
  • His ability to surprise me - still
  • His thoughtfulness and generosity to those he loves
  • How he can make me really belly-laugh until it hurts and my eyes tear
  • His realness
I hope you all find (or have) someone that inspires you to see joy.lo.la every day. 

And to my husband, thank you for being that inspiration for me.

A Note about Selena:
Yesterday, on our anniversary, we went to the Selena Gomez concert with our daughter - Selena's biggest fan and our son, a reluctant teenager/undercover fan.  My husband reminded me that 14 years ago at our wedding reception we danced to a song by the original artist - Selena - (if you don't know who she is, click here) who Selena Gomez was named after.  We found it ironic that we found ourselves 14 years later listening to Selena, in a way, reborn.  But perhaps it's not ironic, because I feel reborn and because of that, I think our relationship has been too.

My favourite lyrics from the Selena song "Dreaming of You..." 

Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe that you came up to me
And said, "I love you; I love you too"

Now I'm dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow, and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming with you endlessly...

Monday, August 22, 2011

The JOY of the Homecoming

It was 4:35pm on Saturday and my daughter and I were waiting in the Passengers Arrivals area of the airport for my son, her brother to arrive.  After 3 weeks with his cousins in a foreign country and too far for him to get WiFi and for us to call regularly, we could not wait to see him.  We weaved our way to the front and centre of the crowd to where the doors open up and all passengers who have arrived have to go through.  His flight said it was "On Time" (which was a lie - we discovered after two hours of waiting), but ignorant to his late arrival, we waited patiently (this is not an easy feat with a nine-year-old, especially my daughter).  There we were waiting, and waiting and waiting, and waiting (kind of like you right now waiting for me to get to my point).

The Arrivals terminal is an amazing place.  You could feel the excitement and anticipation in the room.  People holding up signs to meet up with people they have never seen or met before.  The burly man holding a bouquet of balloons with the words "welcome" on them.  The little girl hanging on the railing repeatedly asking her father where her mom was - "When will Mom walk through the doors."  The lady with her pure-bred shitzu who just had to bring the family puppy to greet her sister (I later learned).  Families from so many backgrounds speaking to each other in different languages and ways, but all of us sharing similar thoughts -"I wonder when they'll step through those doors. Did their plane arrive?  Where are they?  What will they look like?  I can't wait to see them.  I miss them."

The Arrival doors open again and again and there is always a reaction in the crowd.  Someone recognizes the person they are waiting for and all you see is pure JOY on the people's faces.  Little children shouting names and running with their arms outstretched.  The lady who was pulling her suitcase through the door and dropped it the minute she saw her family in the crowd - running to them and being welcomed with open arms and kisses.  Excited waves, smiles and laughter following every reunion.  The mean-looking man sitting in the chair (that I wanted to sit in) who's face turn to a smiling moon when he saw his grandchild and family walk through the doors.  No mean-ness in sight (and wohoo...I got a seat when he left!)

I was thinking about how we would greet my son - would we make eye contact? Should we shout out his name? Should we come up with a dance? and then, there he was walking beside a flight crew member, so he didn't see us - all I caught was a glimpse of his red sweater and found myself speechless and running to meet him at the end of the walkway with my daughter running closely behind me.  And when we finally caught up with him, he smiled and both of us took him into what felt like the biggest hug ever.  That's pure JOY folks.  And if you don't think it exists - visit the airport Arrival area and you'll see it over and over again.

A special note of thanks to my daughter:  We often share "our favorite moments of the weekend"  on our evening walks on Sundays, before the hectic week begins.  Yesterday, my daughter shared that her favorite moment of the weekend was waiting for her brother at the airport and seeing "everyone so happy to see the people they were waiting for."  It was mine too, hence today's post.  Thanks Sha!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Work Life & Personal Life - Two pieces of the same Pie

For a long time I've talked about Work Life as if it was separate from my Personal life, but recently decided that it's not. 

I used to say "My real life (i.e. personal life) starts after 5pm" but realized that by saying that, I was saying that between the hours of 9am-5pm (now 8:30am-4:30pm), I wasn't really living, nor making the effort to make my time at work the best it could be.
This way of thinking is no longer acceptable.

Yesterday I participated in a webinar in my "work life" and it focused on how charities (I work for one) could build effective long-term relationships with corporate partners in order to accomplish our mission (basically what I do).   The speaker focused on 3 main points:
  1. Figure out - What are your values?
  2. What are you good at? and,
  3. Always lead with your goals
I realized that in my "personal life", these are questions I'm asking myself right now.  What are my values? what am I good at? and what are the goals I want to accomplish in life?  It's ironic that my work life summarized the questions I want to answer in my personal life and as I listened on, many of the same principles that I need to use to be successful at work are the same as what would work in my personal life.

So I'm back to the conclusion I made at the beginning - Work Life and Personal Life are not  as separate as I once believed, nor are they that different - they're just two pieces of the same Pie.  And I'm going to enjoy every morsel of that Pie.* 

*A note about Pie (and completely unrelated to above): 
One thing about me that you need to know (if you don't already) is that I LOVE and appreciate good food especially if it's made with all-natural ingredients.  I decided to use the Pie reference because yesterday, I went to a farmer's market and picked up an organic sirloin steak pie made by The Canadian Pie company and it was delicious!  I'm still thinking about it and it makes my mouth water.  When I love something, I have to share it, so here's a link: http://www.thecanadianpiecompany.com/website/  If you love pie this place is definitely worth checking out.  It was only when looking for the website that I found that there was a retail store in Toronto.  So, when I'm on vacation next week - this will be a for-sure stop. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Role Collection

Some people collect rocks.  I didn't think I was a collector, but I am.  I collect roles.

Was vs. Now - I Choose Now

I am in the process of a transformation.  The person I was is not the person I am now.
Who am I?  Well that's not easy to answer which is why my 'About Me' description is empty.  I was a wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, employee and friend.  But now, I am simply Sherry - it's a start.

Over the past couple of years, I've been working to reacquaint myself with me.  No, that doesn't mean I'm denying the roles I play in peoples lives, nor that I've now chosen to be self-absorbed in myself.  What it means is that I need to get to know me first which I believe will make me a better (if not the best) all of the above.

This blog is a journal on my journey to live a life filled with joy, love and laughter - what I like to call joy.lo.la and along the way slowly fill out that description that will describe the me now, not the me was.