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Thursday, February 16, 2012

LOVE this website

I LOVE this website:  www.pinterest.com

The Mission of this site is "to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests."

Okay - I know this website has been around for a while and my friends at work told me about it some time ago, but I never really got the chance to really look at it.  I did today and I can't even begin to explain how this website makes me feel - but I'll try...
  • Excited
  • Inspired
  • Love, Love, LOVE
  • Happy
  • Eager to try
  • Giggly (is that a word? and if not, substitute it with the work Giddy)
  • Joyful
  • Amazed and in Awe of how amazing people are
  • that simple, everyday things are special
  • Grateful - to my friends for telling me about this site and,
  • Thankful - for those freely and creatively sharing their beautiful and wonderful ideas with everyone
Hope you love it as much as I do.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Crafts bring joy

Every once in a while, I have this desperate desire to do a craft.  It usually has something to do with putting together pictures and words to create a story or personal message and when I'm done, I feel joy, exhilaration and peace.  Somehow, I need to incorporate crafts into my daily life, but for now, I'm inspired by others who have. 

I came upon this blog when I was googling the title of this post.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Crafts bring joy - try it sometime.
