At work, we are planning our new strategic direction for the next few years which made me think, every person should have a strategic direction of their own because without one, it's hard to know which way to go. Here's what I came up with - it's a start:
What is my life’s purpose?
To experience and inspire joy, love and laughter.
My plan:
1. Continue my blog
2. Live by example
3. Be a lifelong learner
4. Slow down to observe and listen to the signs and whispers that exist
5. Surround myself with people that nourish my soul – keep me on the path
6. Love unconditionally
7. Appreciate what already exists
8. Tend to my mind, body and spirit
9. Trust in what is
I believe:
· I am a leader
· I have integrity
· I am resilient
· I am creative
· I am intelligent
· I am strong
· I am real
· I can